Escape. Exile. Revolt.
Today we set fire to paradise and put out the flames of hell.

REVOLTA LILITH is a performance about the mythical figure of Lilith, the world’s first woman, who was thrown out of paradise and became a demon. This performance is a celebration of disobedient women throughout history from all over the world. An attempt to rewrite the age-old story of a woman that has always been told by men.
REVOLTA LILITH is part performance, part cinema, part witchcraft, with live soundtrack from the band Fronte Violeta. We did a sell-out three week run at Casa do Povo in March and were selected to be part of WOW Festival in Rio de Janeiro in November.
Made with Martha Kiss Perrone, Carolina Bianchi, Anelena Toku, Carla Boregas, Ariane Aparecida, Mayara Baptista, Alicia Esteves, Jaya Batista, Ana Mazzei, Marina Matheus, Michelle Mattiuzzi, Camille Laurent and me. Made with support from Casa do Povo. Photos by Mayra Azzi.